Wednesday, September 21, 2011

DIY Fall Wreath

Fall Wreath

Its that time of year again! The time when we start to get into the back to school rhythm and I start to think about christmas fall decorating. 
I think fall gets a bad rap when it comes to decorating. Halloween stuff comes out in August and by October all the Christmas decorations are out. I try to give fall its just deserves, and so I submit to you, the Fall Wreath. 

I found the inspiration for my wreath on this awesome blog 
She has amazing tutorials and TONS of home decorating ideas. Check it out.

I started out at JoAnn Fabric's with a handful of coupons. If you can get the materials for this when they are having a good sale its way, way, way worth it. I made my wreath for about $12.00. Here's what I used:

-2 bunches of fall leaves (you could also use the garland)
-1 bunch of berries ( it also had a little pumpkin attached)

-1 18" grapevine wreath
-hot glue (I didn't use any because my wreath is protected by the storm door)

start by removing the leaves from the stems and then cutting the leaves apart so they are single leaves with a little stem. 

leaves sans stems
I really how in my inspiration picture all the leaves are going in the same direction. You could put them in the wreath in any way that suits you, but I liked it that way. Stick the leaves into the wreath or hot glue them if you so desire.

Once you have all the leaves in you can hang it up or add your berries or other embellishments.
That's it! easy as can be, cheap, and done in under an hour.

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